Disclaimer & terms of use and privacy policy

Disclaimer & terms of use

This website is owned by ORANGESPACE- UNIPESSOAL, LDA, a limited company under single registration and tax number 515164275, with registered office at Rua Quinta da Fonte, Edifício Fórum, Q34, Piso 1, Complexo Quinta da Fonte, 2770-192 Paço de Arcos, with a share capital of €10.000,00 (hereinafter “ORANGESPACE”), and its contents provide only information on the storage-space rental services of the company. By accessing this page, you accept the following terms and conditions.

Amendments to the terms of use

ORANGESPACE reserves the right to, from time to time, without prior notice and with immediate effect, amend, add, update or delete these Terms of Use in whole or in part. If you disagree with any of the usage rules, you should not use the website.

Access to the website

Access to the site is not subject to registration. With regard to the website or any of the services, in whole or in part, EXTRASPACE has the exclusive right to, from time to time, suspend, partially or totally, the access to the site, namely for maintenance, repair, alteration or modernisation operations and to permanently or temporarily shut it down without prior notice, at its sole discretion.

Intellectual property rights

All intellectual property rights of the contents of this website and its graphic design are the exclusive property of ORANGESPACE, as are the rights of use. Therefore, their reproduction, distribution, public communication and modification, in whole or in part, without the prior consent of EXTRASPACE, is strictly forbidden. All distinctive signs, brands or symbols contained in this website are legally protected.

Personal data

Use of this site does not necessarily require to provide personal data. However, should you wish to ask to be contacted and request clarification, lodge a complaint, comments or suggestions, schedule interviews and/or future commercial contacts, submit applications to become a ORANGESPACE collaborator, you should provide us with some data, such as your name, e-mail or phone/ cell phone number, which will be processed within the scope of the purpose in accordance with the assumptions mentioned and in accordance with the applicable regulatory and legal requirements. For further information regarding the processing of personal data by ORANGESPACE, please check the ORANGESPACE Privacy Policy using the following link: www.orangespace.pt

Responsibility & warranties

The website was developed bearing in mind the interests of its Users. However, ORANGESPACE neither guarantees the timeliness of the information provided, nor is accountable for any use that comes to be made of the information contained herein, nor for any decisions based on it that come to be taken.

ORANGESPACE will also not be responsible for errors that may occur due to system irregularities, failure (temporary or permanent) of the website, of the applications or of other tools. ORANGESPACE shall not be liable for any damages resulting from improper use of or impossibility of using the site.

Content & links 

ORANGESPACE is not accountable for the misuse of the contents presented on its website, being the User the only person responsible. ORANGESPACE assumes no responsibility for the information contained in pages of third-party entities that can be accessed from links that may appear on the www.extraspace.pt website. Such websites are not owned or operated or controlled by EXTRASPACE, and therefore ORANGESPACE is neither responsible for, nor approves or otherwise supports or endorses the content of such websites or the websites connected with it or referred to therein.

Should ORANGESPACE come to discover that the activity or information provided by an entity associated with the said links is illegal, offensive or may cause image damage or is detrimental to the intellectual property rights of others, it will take the necessary steps to remove or disable the corresponding link as soon as possible.

Update and amendments to the website

ORANGESPACE reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on this website, and change its configuration, structure and presentation from time to time, without notice.


In case any part or provision of these Terms of Use is not executable or is in conflict with applicable law, the validity of the remaining parts or provisions shall not be affected.


If you have questions about these Terms of Use, please send us your request by e-mail to [email protected] or by letter addressed to legal address mentioned on top

Governing law

The management, administration, use and application of the Terms of Use of this site are governed by the Portuguese law.


The Lisbon District Court shall have sole jurisdiction, with express waiver of any other, to settle any issues and disputes arisen from these Terms and Conditions.


Privacy policy


This policy reflects our commitment to open communication of the personal data that we process and under what conditions. As part of its business, ORANGESPACE- UNIPESSOAL, LDA, a limited company under single registration and VAT number 515164275, having its registered office at Rua Quinta da Fonte, Edifício Fórum, Q34, Piso 1, Complexo Quinta da Fonte, 2770-192 Paço de Arcos, with a share capital of €10.000,00 (hereinafter “ORANGESPACE”) collects from its Customers/Tenants personal data related to them, whether in person or remotely through its website, ensuring that it is processed in keeping with the rules on protection of privacy arising  from Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and other applicable Portuguese legislation.

This privacy policy may be subject to amendment depending on the evolution of the legislation and technology, and all amendments will be reflected in this document available online. For clarification of doubts, please contact us by email at the address [email protected]

The collected data correspond to data provided by the Customers/Tenants on a voluntary and optional basis. ORANGESPACE collects personal data in order to respond to requests for information by data subjects and also for communication and marketing purposes, with the consent of their holders, thus enabling ORANGESPACE to inform and disclose its products and services, news and other useful information using the contact details provided by the data subjects. 

Entity responsible for data processing

The controller is ORANGESPACE to the extent that it is responsible for determining the purposes and means of processing the personal data of its Customers/Tenants.

Collection and processing of personal data

Personal data is any information that (regardless of its nature or support), in a direct manner or in combination with other data, can identify a natural person. The personal data collected are the identity, address, profession, e-mail address, telephone, cookies and usage data, which are provided by the Customers/Tenants, in particular by filling in forms, lease agreements and through the website. Customers/Tenants interested in obtaining commercial offers or information about EXTRASPACE and its services may share personal data via the ORANGESPACE website, e-mail addresses or social networks[RL1] . These data will be used exclusively within the context of the business of ORANGESPACE, which, however, guarantees appropriate levels of security and protection of personal data of the Customers/Tenants that have joint it. To that end, several security measures have been adopted to protect personal data against their disclosure, loss, misuse, alteration, or unauthorised access, and against all other unlawful forms of processing.

Subscription of newsletters is optional, free of charge and will take place during the period the subscriber intends, and it is subject to confirmation by email sent to the Customers/Tenants as a means of confirming that the request was actually made by the data subject of the personal data transmitted to ORANGESPACE. Access to the website is not subject to collection of personal data or to subscription of newsletters. [RL2] Furthermore, when emails are sent, statistical data will be collected that allow a better understanding and adaptation of the service to the behaviour of each subscriber. Personal data of minors will not be actively collected, so if you suspect that data of this nature have been unintentionally collected please contact us via email at to the address [email protected]

Method of processing personal data

The personal data collected by ORANGESPACE are processed for the purpose of establishing business relations between Customers/Tenants and ORANGESPACE, identification of products and/or services that may be of interest to its Customers/Tenants, using for the purpose statistical techniques and definition of Customer/Tenants profiles/ segmentation, in order to conduct direct marketing activities; adoption of means and procedures for the security of the persons and goods that, in certain cases, entail the collection of images within the context of video surveillance; and, with respect to data collected via the digital channels as a result of their use by the Customers/Tenants; they are further intended to improve navigation through these channels and to adapt them to the device that is used (computer or mobile device), by using cookies that, in any case, may be deactivated by the Customers. ORANGESPACE uses cookies on its website allowing an improvement of the performance and the browsing experience of its users. Cookies used by ORANGESPACE do not collect personal information allowing identification of the user, saving only general information, including the user’s form or location/country of access, retaining only information related to user preferences. Users/Tenants may at any time, through their browser, decide to be notified of the receipt of cookies and block their entry into their systems. ORANGESPACE may also use cookies in newsletters[RL3]  and emails, for statistical purposes and to provide knowledge as to whether they were opened and to check the clicks-through links or adverts in the newsletter. Users are always able to deactivate the sending of newsletters and emails through a specific option in their footnotes.

Additionally, the monitoring systems of the web hosting may record user information, such as the browser, make, model, and version, operating system, origin of the visit, date and time of access, IP address, Internet service provider and geographical zone of access. This information will be used for purely statistical purposes and improvement of the users’ experience of the website. For the purposes of monitoring and analysis of the use of our digital channels, we use the following third parties as service providers:

  • Google Analytics; a web analysis service provided by Google, which tracks and monitors the traffic of the website, data that may be shared with other Google services. Google may also use the data collected to contextualise and personalise its own advertising network.
  • Customers/Tenants may deactivate sharing their activity with Google Analytics by installing an add-on in their Internet browser to disable Google Analytics. This add-on (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout) prevents the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js or other) from sharing information with Google Analytics on the activity of the visits.
  • For more information about Google’s privacy policy, visit the following web page: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=pt-PT. 

Period of data storage

The processing of data by ORANGESPACE will continue as long as necessary for the commercial relationship established with its Customers/Tenants. Once the commercial relationship ends, the personal data of its customers/Tenants will be maintained during the mandatory legal periods or until, in accordance with the law, the rights arising therefrom are subject to the statute of limitation. In any case, on termination of the relationship with customers the data are no longer processed for commercial purposes.

Rights of the data subject

Under applicable law, Customers/Tenants, data subjects, have the following rights:

  • Information: right of the Customers to be informed by EXTRASPACE, among other things, about the purpose of the processing of data, to whom they may be communicated, what rights they have and under what conditions they can exercise them, as well as what the data they are obliged to provide;
  • Access: Customers’ right of access to their personal data provided, without restrictions, without excessive delay or expense, as well as knowing any available information as to the source of such data;
  • Rectification: right of Customers to require that their data be accurate and up- to-date, and they may request ORANGESPACE to rectify them;
  • Cancellation: right of Customers to demand the removal of their personal data from ORANGESPACE’s records when they cease to be used for the purposes for which the data were collected, without prejudice, however, to retention periods imposed by law;
  • Opposition: right of Customers to contest, upon request and free of charge, the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes;
  • Portability: right of Customers to receive the personal information they have provided to ORANGESPACE, in a structured format in general use and automatic reading, and to transmit those data to another data controller;
  • Restriction of Processing: right that Customers have, in certain circumstances, to ask ORANGESPACE to restrict the processing of their data, in particular; a) when they challenge the accuracy of their personal data, during a period enabling ORANGESPACE to check their accuracy; b) if the processing is unlawful and the Customer objects to the erasure of the data, requesting, in consideration thereof, limitation of their use; c) when EXTRASPACE no longer needs the personal data for processing purposes, but those data are requested by the Customer for the purposes of declaration, exercise or defence in legal proceedings;
  • Complaints to the CNPD: right to submit, without prejudice to any other means of administrative or judicial appeal, a complaint to a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of residence, of their workplace or of the place where the infringement was allegedly committed, if the data subjects consider that the processing of the personal data that concerns them violates the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and other applicable Portuguese legislation. In Portugal the supervisory authority is the National Data Protection Commission (“CNPD”). Customers may exercise any of their rights, including access to their data, or request their correction or elimination, or oppose their processing under the law, via email to the address [email protected]  or by letter addressed to ORANGESPACE’s contacts. ORANGESPACE will answer requests within 30 days, except for particularly complex applications. In these cases, ORANGESPACE shall inform the data subjects of the need to extend the period for reply by a further period of no more than 30 days and the respective justification.

Amendments to privacy policy

ORANGESAPACE reserves the right to, from time to time, introduce amendments to this privacy policy, to adapt it to best practices or to future legislative or regulatory changes. The updated version will always be available on the website www.orangespace.pt.

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